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Another View of the 2nd Wave of Resets
Posted: April 14th, 2010
First Came Subprime, Then This
The 2nd Wave of Resetting Mortgages
Posted: April 14th, 2010
CHART: Here, you can clearly see the second wave of adjustable mortgage resets.
New wave of foreclosures by end of 2010 is feared
Posted: April 12th, 2010
ARTICLE, LA TIMES 02.16.2010
Experts fear that a new wave of foreclosures will hit this year as prolonged unemployment makes it difficult for millions of homeowners to pay their mortgages — and many of them aren’t likely to get much help from a federal program aimed at keeping them in their houses.
Mortgage Crisis Shuffles Toward Fancier Neighborhoods
Posted: April 12th, 2010
Real Estate Advisor Mortgage Crisis Shuffles Toward Fancier Neighborhoods Bernard Condon, 10.07.09, Has all the good news dribbling in from the housing front masked a new crisis? New home sales have risen for five months now, the latest Case-Shiller figures say prices are rising and homebuilders like Toll Brothers and Pulte Homes are seemingly off [...]
Option ARM Borrowers Running Out Of Time
Posted: March 12th, 2010
Of all the mortgage ideas developed during the past few years, none tops the option ARM for sheer awfulness. And now the mortgage mess is about to get far worse as millions of option ARMs begin to recast. Not “reset” — but recast.
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